8 research outputs found

    Blurring the boundaries between real and artificial in architecture and urban design through the use of artificial intelligence

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    [Abstract] This doctoral thesis explores the use of three-dimensional (3D) technologies for architectural representation and modelling of both ‘real world’ and ‘artificially generated’ 3D objects. Current 3D architectural representation has reached high levels of reality, to the extent that it’s often hard to distinguish between ‘pictures from the real world’ and ‘artificially generated’ 3D renderings. The thesis will make use of the latest available 3D technologies in combination with artificial intelligence (AI) processes to increase the visual realism and geometrical precision of 3D models. The first line of research relates to architectural representation and visualization, by exploring the use of ‘Light Imaging Detection And Ranging’ (LIDAR) technology and proposing a point-based rendering (PBR) methodology, to seamless merge models obtained directly from the ‘real world’ with ‘artificially generated’ ones. The second line of research is related to geometrical architectural modelling, and proposes the use of evolutionary computation and self-organization logic to achieve more geometrical realism and accuracy in the 3D modelling process, by exploring the idea of auto-form generation. The research consists of three case studies, and algorithms are proposed for each one. The first one is related to 3D visualization through LIDAR scans and PBR rendering, the second to geometrical generation through evolutionary morphogenesis and the third one to human made self-organized systems (cities). From the results obtained from each case study final conclusions will be draw. The final objective is to determine the efficiency of using point-based technologies and artificial intelligence as a methodology to further blur the boundaries between ‘real world’ 3D models and ‘artificially generated’ ones.[Resumen] La Tesis explora el uso de tecnologías tridimensionales (3D) para la representación arquitectónica y modelado 3D, tanto de objetos ‘reales’ como de objetos generados ‘artificialmente’. El uso de tecnologías 3D ha permitido a la representación arquitectónica alcanzar niveles de realidad similares a fotografías, hasta tal punto que a menudo es difícil distinguir entre imágenes reales y representaciones 3D generadas artificialmente por ordenadores. La Tesis estudia el uso de las últimas tecnologías 3D disponibles, combinadas con procesos de inteligencia artificial como una forma que permita aumentar el nivel de realidad visual y exactitud geométrica de modelos 3D. Para ello la Tesis sigue dos líneas principales de investigación. La primera está relacionada con la representación y visualización arquitectónica, explorando el uso de la tecnología láser para detectar imágenes y medidas (LIDAR) y proponiendo una metodología de visualización mediante el uso de técnicas de infografías basadas en puntos (PBR) con el fin de combinar directamente modelos 3D obtenidos directamente del ‘mundo real’ y modelos 3D ‘generados artificialmente’. La segunda línea de investigación está relacionada con el modelado de geometrías arquitectónicas. Mediante el uso de computación evolutiva y procesos de auto-organización con el fin de lograr un mayor grado de realismo y exactitud en el modelado 3D, mediante la introducción de parámetros del mundo real en los algoritmos de morfogénesis evolutiva, explorando así la idea de la auto-generación de formas. La Tesis propone a través de tres casos experimentales, algoritmos para cada uno de ellos. El primero está relacionado con la visualización, el segundo con la morfogénesis geométrica y el tercero con sistemas complejos auto-organizados realizados por el hombre (ciudades). A partir de la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos de cada caso experimental, la tesis extraerá conclusiones finales sobre el uso de técnicas de inteligencia artificial como metodología para difuminar los límites entre los 'modelos de 3D del ‘mundo real’ y los ‘generados artificialmente’.[Resumo] A Tese explora o uso de tecnoloxías 3D para representación arquitectonica e modelaxe 3D, tanto de obxectos ‘reais’, coma de obxectos xerados artificialmente. O uso de tecnoloxías 3D na representación arquitectónica pode acadar uns niveis de realidade similares a fotografías, na medida en que moitas veces é difícil distinguir entre imaxes reais e representacións 3D xeradas artificialmente por ordenadores. A tese estuda o uso das últimas tecnoloxías 3D dispoñibles, combinadas con procesos de intelixencia artificial como un xeito de aumentar o nivel de realidade visaual e exactitude xeometrica de modelos 3D. Esta tese segue dúas liñas principais de investigación. A primeira está relacionada coa representación e visualización arquitectónica, explorando o uso das tecnoloxías láser para detectar imáxes e medidas (LIDAR) e propoñe unha metodoloxía de visualización mediante o uso de infografías basadas en puntos (PBR) para combinar directamente modelos 3D obtidos directamente do ‘mundo real’ e modelos 3D ‘xerados artificialmente’. A segunda liña de investigación está relacionada coa modelaxe de xeometrías arquitectonicas. Usando procesos de computacion evolutiva e auto-organización a fin de acadar un maior grao de realismo en modelaxe 3D, a través da introdución de parámetros do mundo real en algoritmos evolutivos de morfoxénese, deste xeito explorando a idea de auto-xeración de formas. A tese propón a través de tres casos experimentais, algoritmos para cada un deles. O primeiro esta relaccionado coa a visualizacion, o segundo coa morfoxénese xeométrica eo terceiro cos sistemas complexos auto-organizados feitos polo home (cidades). A partir da avaliación dos resultados de cada caso experimental, a tese extraerá conclusións finais sobre o uso da intelixencia artificial como unha metodoloxía para difuminar as fronteiras entre os modelos 3D reais e os xerados artificialmente

    Assisted surface redesign by perturbing its point cloud representation

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    [Abstract] This research study explores the use of point clouds for design geometrically complex surfaces based on genetic morphogenesis. To this end, a point-based genetic algorithm and the use of massive unstructured point clouds are proposed as a manipulation method of complex geometries. The intent of the algorithm is to improve the design experience, thus different solutions can be presented to designers. The main objective of this work is to provide examples to be adopted as user own or to help them in the creative process. This is not about providing them with a tool to ‘do’ the designer's creative work, but using it as a creative tool in which the user retains control of it. The powerfulness of this approach relies on the fact that the user can use any/diverse criteria (objective or subjective) to evaluate the individuals proposed as possible solutions. As part of this study, the convergence of the algorithm and the ability of diversity in the final populations of the search process will be demonstrated. Various examples of the use of the algorithm are displayed

    Assisted surface redesign by perturbing its point cloud representation

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    [Abstract] This research study explores the use of point clouds for design geometrically complex surfaces based on genetic morphogenesis. To this end, a point-based genetic algorithm and the use of massive unstructured point clouds are proposed as a manipulation method of complex geometries. The intent of the algorithm is to improve the design experience, thus different solutions can be presented to designers. The main objective of this work is to provide examples to be adopted as user own or to help them in the creative process. This is not about providing them with a tool to ‘do’ the designer's creative work, but using it as a creative tool in which the user retains control of it. The powerfulness of this approach relies on the fact that the user can use any/diverse criteria (objective or subjective) to evaluate the individuals proposed as possible solutions. As part of this study, the convergence of the algorithm and the ability of diversity in the final populations of the search process will be demonstrated. Various examples of the use of the algorithm are displayed

    Predicting vertical urban growth using genetic evolutionary algorithms in Tokyo’s minato ward

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    [Abstract] This article explores the use of evolutionary genetic algorithms to predict scenarios of urban vertical growth in large urban centers. Tokyo’s Minato Ward is used as a case study because it has been one of the fastest growing skylines over the last 20 years. This study uses a genetic algorithm that simulates the vertical urban growth of Minato Ward to make predictions from pre-established inputted parameters. The algorithm estimates not only the number of future high-rise buildings but also the specific areas in the ward that are more likely to accommodate new high-rise developments in the future. The evolutionary model results are compared with ongoing high-rise developments in order to evaluate the accuracy of the genetic algorithm in simulating future vertical urban growth. The results of this study show that the use of genetic evolutionary computation is a promising way to predict scenarios of vertical urban growth in terms of location as well as the number of future buildings

    A point-based redesign algorithm for designing geometrically complex surfaces. A case study: Miralles's croissant paradox

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    This study explores the use of point clouds for both representation and genetic morphogenesis of complex geometry. The accurate representation of existing objects of complex curved geometry, which are subsequently geometrically modified by evolutionary morphogenetic processes, is analysed. To this end, as a method of representation and generation of complex geometries, a point-based genetic algorithm and the use of large unstructured point clouds are proposed. A study of convergence and diversity of the implemented algorithm is detailed, as well as a comparison with the Coyote optimisation algorithm in terms of representation error demonstrating its efficiency. Some commonly used three-dimensional formats in architecture, such as NURBS and polygon meshes, are analysed, and compared against point clouds. This study also includes an evaluation regarding whether the use of point clouds is a more suitable format for realistic representation, rationalisation and genetic morphogenesis. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020

    Memorias del primer Simposio Nacional de Ciencias Agronómicas

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    Primer simposio nacional de Ciencias Agronómicas: El renacer del espacio de discusión científica para el Agro colombiano

    Memorias del primer Simposio Nacional de Ciencias Agronómicas

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    Primer simposio nacional de Ciencias Agronómicas: El renacer del espacio de discusión científica para el Agro colombiano

    Espacios y destinos turísticos en tiempos de globalización y crisis

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    2 volúmenesXII Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Colmenarejo (Madrid), del 17 al 19 de junio de 2010.Este libro ha sido editado con la colaboración económica del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (ref. CS02010-10416-E)